Application Process Information
The 2025 Season Call For Artists is Open October 15th-December 15, 2024​
How to Apply
Step 1: Download the Application
Click the button below to be directed to the application and download the form. Please note that this application is more easily filled out by accessing it through a computer.
Step 2: Rename and Save the Application to your Computer
Before beginning the application, perform a “Save As”, and store the blank application to your computer.
While saving, the applicant should rename the file by inserting their name at the beginning of the file name. Ex: John Doe Artist Application Form 2025
Once saved, the artist can officially begin the application process.
Step 3: Complete the Application
Fill out and complete the application. Please note that applicants are required to fill out the form in its entirety. Partially filled applications may be rejected.
At the end of the form, the applicant will be asked to read and agree to our terms and fees. You can find a copy of that information below.
Save the completed application to the device.
The application should now be ready to be emailed
Step 4: Submit Your Application
Open an emailing service of your choice, and begin a new email, addressing it to brhs.air@gmail.com.
The subject line should follow this template: “Artist Application - John Doe”
Attach completed artist application PDF file
Applicants must then attach 8 .jpeg photos of examples of their artwork that are expected to sell during the Artists in Residence program.
Send the email
NOTE: If email is too large to send, artists are welcome to send photos in a separate email.
The following terms must be agreed to by all participating artists.
You live at least three months of the year in one of the following counties:
Watauga, Ashe, Avery, Wilkes, Caldwell, Burke, Catawba, Alleghany, Mitchell,
Yancey, McDowell, Madison, or Buncombe. -
Each artist will attend an Artist Orientation prior to season kick off
Each artist will share the cottage with at least one other artist during their scheduled week
Each artist is expected to bring sufficient inventory to consume half the cottage
Artists will set up their exhibit before noon on Monday and take it down
Sunday after closing. -
Artists will be present during daily operating hours during the week of your exhibit. If
at any time the original artist cannot be there, it is the artist’s responsibility to find coverage for their exhibit -
Artists will share the (provided) information about the Blowing Rock Historical
Society, Edgewood Cottage, the renowned artist, Elliot Daingerfield, and other
information with interested visitors. -
Artists will encourage visitors to also view current exhibits at the neighboring
Blowing Rock Art and History Museum (BRAHM). -
Artists will accept final decisions of the Selection Committee. The anonymous
committee is composed of highly qualified artists and art collectors. No explanations will be given for decisions made by the Selection Committee, and their decisions are final. -
Artists agree that the Blowing Rock Historical Society and their volunteers have no liability during your exhibit or your time at Edgewood Cottage.
Artists agree to pay the fees described below by leaving a check at Edgewood Cottage on the final Sunday of your show.
Artists agree to complete the (provided) “Artist’s Evaluation Form” and leave it at Edgewood Cottage on the final Sunday of your show. NOTE: We take artists’ feedback seriously and try to use the information provided to improve the Artists in Residence Program. Artists’ feedback is important.
Artist Fees
$85 Participation fee for all selected first time artists. Alum artists do not pay this participation fee.
25% donation to the Blowing Rock Historical Society for your total sales
(excluding taxes) made during your show -
25% donation to the Blowing Rock Historical Society for any sales or
commissions made within 1 month of your participation that happen as a result of your show.
Disclaimer: The Blowing Rock Historical Society is a non-profit, entirely volunteer-based organization. We use the money we raise to cover the cost of conducting this program, as well as allot a percentage of the money to fund internal programs and notable High Country causes. We thank you for your understanding and support.
If you are a selected artist, you will receive an emailed invitation letter with further details and your scheduled week in Edgewood Cottage. If you are not selected, you will receive an email saying so. Notifications are likely to begin in February.