2021 Artists in Residence Schedule
May 29th - September 19th 2021
May 29 – June 6
Susan Sharpe
Fiber art: painted, printed, woven & stitched
Website: www.SusanSharpeArt.com

June 7 – June 13
High Country Modern Quilt Guild, Blowing Rock
Quilts, art quilts and quilted goods with a modern twist
Email: highcountrymqg@gmail.com
Instagram: @highcountrymqg

June 14 – June 20
Mike Koenig
Nature and landscape photography
Website: www.MikeKoenig.org
Evenlight Eagles
Leather Artisan
Instagram: @primaveraleathers
June 21 – June 27
Lauren Waterworth
Oils, plein air and landscape
Website: www.LaurenWaterworthArt.com
Facebook: @LaurenWaterworthArt
Cathy Futral
Watercolor and Acrylic
Website: www.cathyfutral.com

June 28 – July 4
Ineke Thomas
Mixed media infused fiber art
Email: Ineke.k.thomas@gmail.com

July 12 – July 18
Earl Davis
Oil Landscapes of Blue Ridge and National Parks
Website: www.earldavisfineart.com
David & Barbara Ballesty
Decorative and functional pottery

David Ballesty

Barbara Ballesty
July 19 – July 25
Scott Pearson Nature Photography
Wildlife and Nature Photography
Website: scottpearsonnaturephotography.com
Instagram: naturecampphotoadventures

July 26 – August 1
Randy Blake Clontz
Oil portraiture (of both people & pets), oil landscapes, oil still life’s
Website: www.acreativehand.com/
Facebook: ACreativeHand.LLC/
Kelly Gross
Oil on canvas
Instagram @artbykellygross

August 2 – August 8
Lee Harper
Oils (still lifes, dancers, landscapes)
Website: www.Leeharperfineart.com
Tunde Afolayan Famous
Oil, Acrylic, Watercolors and Mixed Media
Website: http://famous-fineart.com/
Facebook: #famousfineart

August 9 – August 15
Cindy McEnery
Nature and Landscape photography
Website: www.cindymceneryphotography.com
Facebook: Photography by Cindy G McEnery
Nathan Favors
Turned local and exotic wood
Website: www.bowlmakeronline.com
Facebook: #Bowlmaker

August 16 – August 22
Kathryn Regel
Mixed media and pencil drawings
Website: www.kathrynregel.com
Facebook: @artandancestry

August 23 – August 29
David Nelson Collins
Landscapes painted in plein air and studio Acrylic, "Open" and "Liquid"
Website: www.davidnelsoncollins.com

August 30 – September 5
Frederick Craig Franz
Landscapes in oil and soft pastel and cast silver and semi-precious stone jewelry
Website: www.craigfranzart.com

September 6 – September 12
Linda Elksnin
Watercolor, acrylic, mixed media
Website: www.lindaelksninart.com
Lisa Pepper
Oils — animals ,people , still life, landscapes and whatever interests me.
Facebook: #Paintings By Lisa Pepper
Bob Meier

September 13 – September 19
Zan Thompson Watercolor Art
Watercolor paintings celebrating the essence found in our environments.
Website: www.zanthompson.com
Facebook: @/ZanThompsonwatercolorart/